Monday, March 26, 2007

Your Plans for National Library Week

No doubt, your plans are already in motion for celebrating National Library Week 2007. NLW this year is April 15-21 and the theme is “Come Together @ Your Library.” Amongst many programming ideas, you can also highlight 2 special days during that week: “National Library Workers’ Day” and “Support Teen Literature Day.” Read all about it on ALA’s website, where you’ll find scads of promotional materials, press releases, posters, bookmarks, prizes and more:

And while you’re at it, how about blogging your plans for National Library Week with your Northwest colleagues? Please contribute your ideas here and share the fun!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

More From New Mexico

Last day here in sunny ABQ. The weather has been really beautiful the entire time; makes for nice vacationing and conferencing. I saw a great T-shirt today that said "New Mexico: Not all that new, and not really Mexico." All true, but still a great trip!

Just to recap some of the many sessions I attended here at the Mt. Plains Library Conference. A session on interactive whiteboards made by Smart Technologies was especially cool--it's definitely going on my "wish list" of purchases for NWILS office at fiscal-year-end!. A session on legal policies issues was interesting, presented by people who attended the latest Lawyers for Libraries conference sponsored by ALA. "50+ Boomers and Seniors in the Workplace" was good too--lots of thoughtful discussion about the generaltional differences amongst workers in any profession--and how managers can best capitalize on peoples' strengths. And again, plenty of sessions on social networking and Web2.0/Library 2.0 concepts. This will all come back to Northwest Iowa in time for C.E. JAMBOREE.

I'll include more details about the Mt. Plains Conference in a series of EYE-OPENER articles beginning Monday. But it's time to be boarding instead of blogging!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Blogging From New Mexico

Hello to Northwest Iowa from sunny, warm Albuquerque! Thanks to NWILS Board, I'm blogging from the Mt.Plains Library Conference in ABQ, as the natives have nicknamed the city.

While there were many pre-cons to choose from on Wednesday (3/14/07) the conference started for me today with the opening session's keynote speaker Joseph Janes. Among his many credentials, Mr. Janes is the chair of Library & Information Science at the University of Washington. He writes "The Internet Librarian" column for American Libraries, has authored 8 books on libraries and technlogy, and was one of the co-founders of The Internet Public Library.

His presentation was great--and very funny--we need to bring him to an ILA conference sometime soon! "What Libraries Need to do Now--and Why" encouraged the audience to interact on the web in the same ways that our customers are already doing. We need to creat blogs and wikis, not to mention great websites. We need to make our own videos on YouTube and promote our services on MySpace.

All of which bolsters the need for NWILS to raise awareness and promote these concepts, encouraging libraries to blend traditional services with new approaches that technology affords. Guess what--much of this is the focus of C.E. JAMBOREE this year! More on the Mt. Plains sessions tomorrow and in EYE-OPENER...