Monday, March 30, 2009
Monday Morning Eye Opener 03/30/09
1) Book Lovers Book Sale in Sioux City
2) Still Time for Online Resource Trials
3) April Workshops and Promos
4) Thanks for Attending Legislative Day
1) Book Lovers Book Sale in Sioux City: Spring brings so many nice things, among them the annual “Book Lovers’ Book Sale” in Sioux City. Sponsored by the Friends of Sioux City Public Library, this yearly book sale is a big fundraiser for the Friends Group. This year, you’ll find the sale set up at the Mayfair Shopping Center (in former TJ Max store—4280 Sergeant Road) The sale runs from April 24 through May 2. Hardcover books sell for $2.00, recordings for $2.00, and paperbacks for $1.00. Here’s a look at the sale hours:
April 24—6:00PM to 9:00PM (preview sale requires $1.00 admission at the door)
April 25—10:00AM to 9:00PM
April 26—12noon to 6:00PM
April 27-30—4:00PM to 8:00PM
May 1—4:00PM to 9:00PM
May 2—10:00AM to 9:00PM
2) Still Time for Online Resource Trials: There’s still 2 weeks left to get in on this action: the State Library is holding a spring trial period for online resources. From now until April 15, you can try out several online products to see how useful they would be in your library. These represent some of the best Internet-based resources available for K12, college, and public libraries, including:
Access Newspaper Archive = a database of digitized Iowa newspapers
BookFLIX from Scholastic = videos and read-along helpers to favorite children’s books; very child friendly
EBSCO = add-on databases like Hobbies & Crafts, Small Engine Repair, Home Improvement, and Novelist; these are add-ons, not currently available in the current statewide EBSCOHost contract
Facts on File = topic-focused database
ProQuest = similar to EBSCOHost
The State Library partners with Iowa Area Education Agencies and the Iowa Educators Consortium to provide these free statewide trials. To access the trial databases, go to Iowa Educators Consortium website and follow the on-screen instructions. Consider this a chance to test drive some of the best information products on the market—for free during this trial period! Nothing to lose, everything to learn—give it a whirl Contact Jay Peterson at the State Library with any questions ( )
3) April Workshops and Promos: It’s nearly April—can warmer temps be far behind? There are several workshops coming up around the region and around the state. And course…National Library Week, too. Please share news of these training opportunities with your staff and board and sign up for whatever looks good. Actually, it’s all sure to be good! Here’s a preview:
April 17 = “Keeping Current in Libraryland.” In person @ LeMars Public Library, 9:30AM—12:30PM for 3 c.e. credits. Sponsored by the Plymouth County Library Association as a county staff development day, but attendance is open to everyone. Topics will include tips like subscribing to online journals, setting journal alerts, using web-based tools to find efficiencies and time-savers. Plus a fun vocabulary quiz to help make sense of techie jargon and acronyms. Hands-on computer practice, too. Register in the c.e. catalog…
April 21 = “For Trustees: Evaluating the Library Director.” Statewide over the ICN, 5:30PM—7:00PM for 1.5 c.e. credits. Sponsored by the State Library. “…One of the responsibilities of the library board is to regularly evaluate the library director. In this class we'll discuss why an annual evaluation is important, what needs to be in place before an evaluation can take place, evaluation format, setting up a systematic process, & acting on results. For a list of all ICN locations, and to register, see the c.e. catalog…
April 24 = “ISLA Spring Meeting.” Held at 7 ICN locations across Iowa, 10:00AM—3:00PM for 2 c.e. credits. Sponsored by the Iowa Small Library Association. The morning session is a business meeting. After lunch, the program continues with a 1-hour presentation called “Small Libraries: How to be the Answer in Tough Times;” that’s followed by a roundtable discussion. ICN locations include
Okoboji High School in Milford
Onawa West Monona High School in Onawa
Ankeny Public Library
Solon Public Library
Creston Public Library
Waverly Public Library
Oskaloosa Public Library
Note that ISLA members attend for free; otherwise, ILA members $5.00 registration fee / non ILA members $10.00 registration fee. Online registration is expected to be through the c.e.catalog. In the meantime, direct any questions to Nathan Clark, ISLA President, at
April 27—29 = “Kids First Conference” In person at the Gateway Inn and Conference Center, Ames. Conference registration is $30.00 each day. “…Kids First is a three day conference, April 27-29, 2009 specifically focused on youth services in libraries. There will be five nationally known speakers and classes dealing with all aspects of youth services - babies through teens. We invite you to attend all three days if possible or any one or two days as per your schedule. Please click on this link for more detailed information and a registration form:
Kids First is sponsored by the State Library of Iowa in cooperation with Children and Young Peoples Forum of the Iowa Library Association. Funded by federal Library Services and Technology Act funds and the Hazel Westgate Endowment.
And the promo piece in all of this is National Library Week. Celebrate April 12-18 with a great theme this year: “Worlds Connect @ Your Library.” Actress Jamie Lee Curtis is the national spokesperson. For even more promotional ideas, there are a couple of neat spin-offs with National Library Workers Day on April 14 and Support Teen Literature Day on April 16. Read all about it on the National Library Week website, where you’ll find tons of online resources, public service announcements, and more!
4) Thanks for Attending Legislative Day: Thanks to all Northwesterners who traveled to Des Moines last week for ILA Legislative Day. Library staff and trustees from Spencer, Peterson, Storm Lake, Emmetsburg, Ruthven, Lorhville, Carroll, Coon Rapids, and Briar Cliff College were are represented and had lively conversations with Northwest Iowa legislators. Admittedly a long drive in for all of you, not to mention a bleak budget year. Please know that Northwest LSA staff and board truly appreciates your time. And your steady support of Northwest Library Services—working alongside you!
Previous issues of Monday Morning Eye-Opener are archived on NWILS website…
Monday, March 23, 2009
Monday Morning Eye Opener 03/23/09
1) C. E. Jamboree May 5-6
2) Two April C.E. Opportunities
3) Sioux Rapids Receives Grant
4) Meetings / Events This Week
1) C. E. Jamboree May 5-6: Protect your calendar for Northwest LSA’s “C.E. Jamboree 2009,” May 5-6 at Prairie Lakes AEA in Storm Lake. On May 5th, “Get Your Game On” in a fun-filled workshop about bringing gaming programs to your library. Kim Kietzman from Southeastern Library Services will facilitate the day’s discussion, including a Wii game demonstration. There’ll be studious time for participants to draft a gaming policy, but there’ll be time for a little bowling and golf, too—we’re even planning a tournament And that’s just Day 1…
Day 2 brings back the multiple breakout sessions. Amanda Winseck, Iowa’s EBSCO representative, presents the general session to explain EBSCO’s new features. Breakout sessions follow with these topics:
• The Buddy System: Collaborating on the Web (Tena Hanson & Sarah Willeford)
• Merchandising Your Collection (Kim Kietzman)
• EBSCO Continued (Amanda Winseck)
• NWILS Website—New & Improved (Janie Beaulieu & Jean Chesterman)
• A Few Dollars More—Grant Writing Success (Nathan Clark)
• Roundtable Discussion
Each day runs from 9:30AM—3:30PM for 5 c.e. credits each day, with breakfast and lunch catered ($15.00 fee each day) Registration required through the c.e. catalog—avoid the rush and register for “Jamboree 2009!” today!
2) Two April C.E. Opportunities: Before Jamboree, April sees two more workshops. On April 17, Le Mars Public Library hosts Plymouth County Staff Development Day. Planners chose “Keeping Current in Libraryland;” registration at 9:00AM, workshop 9:30AM—12:30PM for 3 c.e. credits. “Keeping Current” inspires library staff to use tools like journal alerts, online newsletter subscriptions, list serves, instant messaging and more devices to stay current and connected. A vocabulary quiz and hands-on computer time included. For 3 c.e. credits, please register online in the c.e. catalog.
And on April 24, the Iowa Small Libraries Association holds its spring meeting—this year at 6 locations across the state. At this writing, locations are the public libraries in Ankeny, Solon, Creston, Waverly, and Oskaloosa. Note: the 6th location will be in Northwest Iowa, but unexpected scheduling problems have us searching for a new site—we’ll let you know where it lands
Beginning at 10:00AM, all 6 sites connect via the ICN for a morning business meeting. Join that discussion to help ISLA members further their mission to “empower Iowa’s small libraries.” Lunch on-your-own, after which the ICN format continues with a one-hour presentation entitled “Small Libraries: How to be the Answer in Tough Times.” A roundtable discussion follows.
Registration for ISLA members is free; otherwise the cost is $5.00 for ILA members, $10.00 for non-members. (Make checks payable to IOWA LIBRARY ASSOCIATION) Registration is open in the c.e. catalog. Please direct any further questions to Nathan Clark at Emmetsburg Public Library or phone 712-852-4009.
3) Sioux Rapids Receives Grant: Martha Landsness from Sioux Rapids Public Library reports that Sioux Rapids Public Library received a $1,000.00 grant from the Lois Lenski Foundation. The grant enables the library to purchase new children’s books—and just in time for the Summer Reading Program, too!
From the Foundation’s website “…Lois Lenski, the 1946 Newbery medalist for Strawberry Girl, had a life-long concern that good books be available to all children. In pursuit of this goal, she established a foundation to provide grants to public libraries, school libraries, and non-profit agencies serving disadvantaged populations…”
Find out more on the website…and thanks to Martha for sharing this good news from Sioux Rapids—congratulations!
4) Meetings / Events This Week: It’s an action-packed week, beginning today with a “Career Reading Roundtable” online book discussion. As you read this, we’re in Central LSA’s Wimba room discussing Good in a Room.
Tuesday Mar24: NWILS Board holds its March meeting online in NWILS Wimba Room. Physical locations at NWILS office in Sioux City and at Spencer Public Library. The meeting begins at 2:00PM and is open to the public; the agenda is posted on our website.
Wednesday Mar25: ILA Legislative Day in Des Moines. Briefing begins at 2:00PM in the Vocational Rehab Building; a reception with legislators follows at 4:00PM in the State Law Library at the Capitol Building. Find all details of time and place on ILA’s website. One last plea: we need all the library boosters we can get. And we’ll be most grateful if you’ll stand with us to convey how essential libraries are in tough times. Thanks!
Thursday Mar26: Public Library Management 1 begins on Thursday this week, with the first day of class meeting at Urbandale Public Library 9:30AM—3:30PM. Several new Northwest directors are in the mix this spring. It’s an 8-week extravaganza and I’m on deck to teach it in this spring rotation.
Come Friday, well…I’m sleeping in!
Previous editions of Monday Morning Eye-Opener are archived on NWILS website
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Monday Morning Eye-Opener
Good Morning! Today in EYE-OPENER:
1) Akron Library Hosting a Poetry Event
2) Let’s Just Say…They’re on Roll
3) Time to Try Online Resources
4) Career Reading Roundtable March 23
1) Akron Library Hosting a Poetry Event: Akron Public Library will celebrate National Poetry Month in April in a big way. The library is sponsoring “Rhyme Time on the Prairie,” an original 2-day event April 17-18. It begins on Friday April 17 with a dinner and poetry readings by 3 guest poets: Jeanne Emmons from Briar Cliff College, Jan D. Hodge from Morningside College, and Yvonne Hollenbeck from South Dakota. On Saturday April 18, there’s a luncheon and a series of 3 poetry-writing workshops. Each guest poet will have their books for sale both days. A brochure containing bios and background information about their books is available from Akron Library or from NWILS office.
”Rhyme Time on the Prairie” takes place at the Hole in the Wall Lodge in Akron, Iowa (14396 Diamond Avenue) If you haven’t visited the Hole in the Wall Lodge, what a great chance! It’s a hunting resort that also doubles as a venue for wedding receptions and business meetings. And check out the menu for this poetry program: Friday night’s dinner includes winter prairie salad, French onion soup, choice of salmon or chicken marsala, wine and other beverages. Saturday’s lunch is chicken salad croissants, fruit salads, desserts, and beverages.
Cost for Friday’s dinner and poetry readings is $32.00; cost for Saturday’s workshops and luncheon is $25.00. Interested area library staff and trustees are cordially invited! Just be aware that this event is open to the general public and seating is limited. Make reservations or direct any questions to Jeannie Frerichs at Akron Public Library by calling 712-568-2601 or by emailing
2) Let’s Just Say…They’re On a Roll: Last week, EYE-OPENER tooted news of some nice grant-writing going on in Palo Alto County. Emmetsburg Public Library and their Friends Group each received grants from casino funding. Ruthven Library received 2 separate grants and the Palo Alto County Library Association also received 2 grants, one for digital projectors and one to pay WILBOR entry fees for all the libraries in the spring enrollment.
But wait, there’s more grant news: Emmetsburg Public library just learned that it’s the recipient of 50 books from the Toyota Corporation. Emmetsburg is one of 200 public libraries in the U.S. to receive a collection of 50 books translated from Japanese literature. In a mix of fiction and non-fiction, the library will receive translated works from award-winning Japanese authors in mysteries, historical fiction, fantasy, horror, as well as non-fiction books on Japanese history and culture. This particular grant is sponsored by Toyota and the International Relations Office of the American Library Association.
Thanks to Nathan Clark at Emmetsburg / Ruthven Libraries for sharing this impressive news about successful grant-writing and successful county library collaboration. Pretty good story, huh? That’s why Nathan is joining the line-up of speakers at NWILS C.E. Jamboree to share how they did it. C.E Jamboree is May 5-6 at Prairie Lakes AEA in Storm Lake. Registration is open in the c.e. catalog, so beat the rush and register today
3) Time to Try Online Resources: The State Library has announced a spring trial period for online resources. From now until April 15, you can try out several online products to see how useful they would be in your library. These represent some of the best Internet-based library resources available for K12, college, and public libraries, including:
Access Newspaper Archive = a database of digitized Iowa newspapers
BookFLIX from Scholastic = videos and read-along helpers to favorite children’s books; very child friendly
EBSCO = add-on databases like Hobbies & Crafts, Small Engine Repair, Home Improvement, and Novelist; these are add-ons, not currently available in the current statewide EBSCOHost contract
Facts on File = topic-focused database
ProQuest = similar to EBSCOHost
The State Library partners with Iowa Area Education Agencies and the Iowa Educators Consortium to provide these free statewide trials. To access the trial databases, go to Iowa Educators Consortium website and follow the on-screen instructions. Consider this a chance to test drive some of the best information products on the market—for free during this trial period! Nothing to lose, everything to learn—give it a whirl Contact Jay Peterson at the State Library with any questions ( )
4) Career Reading Roundtable March 23: Have you been part of “Career Reading Roundtable” yet? It’s an online book discussion with a twist: a chance for library staff to read books on topics like public speaking, customer service, communication skills—books outside of library literature. But it’s the online discussion (in Central LSA’s Wimba Classroom) that sparks conversation about how to apply the ideas to library service. It’s a neat concept and one that lots of people statewide have been enjoying.
The next Career Reading Roundtable is Monday March 23rd. This time, the book is Good in a Room: How to Sell Yourself and Your Ideas and Win Over Any Audience by Stephanie Palmer. “Good in a room” is an expression that comes from Hollywood, where scriptwriters pitch their ideas to movie studios. Author Stephanie Palmer worked for MGM for 7 years, where she heard LOTS of ideas pitched. In the book, she explains why some ideas make it and some ideas don’t. Join the discussion next Monday to talk about how to apply her advice toward furthering library projects important to you—we’ll talk about how to be “good in a room.” This program runs from 9:00AM—11:00AM and is worth 2 c.e. credits. Register online in the c.e. catalog; once registered, you’ll receive an email confirmation with a link to Central LSA’s Wimba Classroom. See you then!
Previous issues of Monday Morning Eye-Opener are archived on NWILS website…
Monday, March 09, 2009

Monday Morning Eye Opener
Weekly news & events from Northwest Library Services
~ March 9, 2009 ~
Good Morning!
Today in Eye Opener:
1) Grants Galore For Palo Alto County Libraries
3) Job Opening @ Milford PL
4) News / Events This Week
1) Grants Galore For Palo Alto County Libraries: Libraries in Palo Alto County are among many recipients of grants from casino funding. Emmetsburg Library received $10,000.00 for a Playaway startup collection; the new collection will begin with about 200 Playaway titles for all ages in fiction and nonfiction. Also, the Friends of Emmetsburg Library received $1,500.00 for a “Books for Babies” program.
Ruthven Library received $2,000.00 to fund their Summer Reading Program in a big way this year, plus an additional $3,600.00 to redo the children’s department with new shelving and furniture.
But wait, there’s more: the Palo Also County Libraries received $7,500.00 to purchase a digital multimedia projector for each library to make available to community groups. Also, Palo Alto County libraries received $4,500.00 to pay for WILBOR Consortium fees, allowing in one swoop for all the libraries in Palo Alto County to join WILBOR in the spring enrollment period!
Thanks to Nathan Clark at Emmetsburg / Ruthven Libraries for sharing this impressive news about successful grant-writing and successful county library collaboration! Pretty good story, huh? That’s why Nathan will join the line-up of speakers at NWILS C.E. Jamboree to share how they did it. C.E Jamboree is May 5-6 at Prairie Lakes AEA in Storm Lake. Registration is open in the c.e. catalog, so beat the rush and register today.
2) Teen Tech Week Is Now: Guessing there’s some commotion in libraries this week as you celebrate Teen Tech Week 2009, March 8-14. This year’s theme is “Press Play @ Your Library,” perfect for showcasing downloadable media, YouTube, podcasts, gaming, virtual worlds, and more. Lots of ideas and links are waiting for you at the YALSA website (Young Adult Library Services Association) where kids can vote on a theme for 2010. Plus, you’ll find links to a Teen Tech Week blog and wiki, plus some great toolkits about teens and social networking. And when the commotion dies down—go back to the website and share your success stories. It’s all here at Teen Tech Week ’09!
3) Job Opening @MilfordPL:
4) News / Events This Week: A quiet week here finally, after the flurry of online classes throughout February. For those who haven’t stopped in yet, you can catch a quick, informal orientation tomorrow (Tuesday March 10) to NWILS Wimba Live Classroom. We’re happy to offer orientations for people new to this experience—plus it’s a good idea before taking a real credit class. Because what’s arranged for one can be done for many, anyone is welcome to login tomorrow at 9:30AM. Share this news with others on your staff or board who want a better understanding of how the online classroom works.
Here’s the link that takes you to the login page: Please sign in with your name. And if this is your first visit, then you’ll want to run the Wimba Start-Up Wizard first—and well ahead of time—so that your computer will be ready to roll. Try the wizard now, then come back tomorrow morning at 9:30AM for a “look-see!” Call with questions…
Previous editions of Monday Morning Eye-Opener are archived on
NWILS website;