Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday Morning Eye-Opener 12/28/09
Good Morning! I'm tipping back some eggnog for the last EYE-OPENER of '09.
1) More on NW "For Results" Series
2) NY Times Top Buzzwords from 2009
3) NWILS Top Stories from 2009
4) Meetings / Events this Week
Northwest's "FOR RESULTS" series of online classes repeats this winter. Based on PLA's FOR RESULTS books, our series includes programs on PLANNING/POLICIES/FACILITIES/and HUMAN RESOURCES FOR RESULTS. The first 3 on planning, policies, and facilities land on Fridays from 9:30am - 11:30am (Jan15, 29, and Feb12 respectively) each worth 2 c.e. credits. PLANNING FOR RESULTS describes new services responses for public libraries these days - and demonstrates much easier ways to write mission statements, goals, and objectives. CREATING POLICIES FOR RESULTS looks at 4 parts of a policy: the philosophy, the regulations, the procedures, and the guidelines, an approach that again makes writing policies easier than before. And FACILITIES FOR RESULTS looks at managing the library's physical spaces and ways to ensure a safe public place for staff and patrons alike. All topics important for staff and boards... The fourth topic will be done in a 5-part series expressly for library trustees called "The Board's Role in Human Resources." Beyond their relationship with the directors, boards do have significant impact on human resource issues: from determining salaries to setting personnel policies to ensuring a safe and productive workplace. This 5-part series includes: -Recruitment & Retention -Compensation & Benefits -Staff Training & Development -Performance Evaluation -Employee Relations Because the audience here is trustees, the above land on Tuesday evenings frm 6:00pm - 7:30pm (Feb2, 9, 16, Mar2, 9 respectively) All programs happen online in Northwest LSA's Adobe Classroom. No obligation to attend each one; chose the topics and dates taht best meet your needs and schedule. However, we do ask that you pre-register in the c.e. catalog, where you'll find the link to the classroom.
In saying so long to 2009, writers Mark Leibovich and Grant Barrett with the New York Times offered their favorite buzzwords, from this year. Some I've heard, many I haven't ...these are just a few, see how many you recognize:
-Birthers: those who believe that President Obama was not born in the U.S. and therefore not eligible to be president.
-Aporkalypse: a term used by skeptics to describe undue worry about swine flu.
-Athey: a derogatory term for atheists.
-Car Tone: exterior music proposed by manufctureres of electric cars, whose quietness otherwise makes the electric car undetectable by pedestrians.
-Dracula Sneeze: the new way to cover your sneeze, using the crook of your arm instead of your hand - like Dracula hiding his face with his cape.
-Green Shoots: signs of economic recovery or a positive turnaround for a financial corporation.
-Orphan Books: books still in copyright but now out of print and unavailable for sale, whose copyright holders can't be found.
-Vook: a digital book that includes some video in the text.
-Warmist: a believer in global warming (after 20.7 inches of snow here in Sioux City, call me skeptical..)
These waning days of December leads to reminiscing about the year gone by. So what better time to raise a glass to 2009 with our top stories from Northwest LSA this year.
10...In case you're left wondering what we do all day when we're not using ElfYourself to send Christmas cards...well, we're still kind of busy. In 2009, Northwest LSA office processed 2,883 ILL requests for your patrons, held 21 F2F workshops and county meetings with 500 people attending. Plus an additional 16 online classes with 280 people attending. Throw in many consulting miles and now you see why we need a few diversions.
9...No good, just bad and ugly: State agencies were hammered with a 10% budget cut in October. Community colleges, the AEAs, the State Library, and the Library Servie Areas were caught up in a tough budget reduction. As one of several cost-saving measures, Northwest LSA staff will begin furloughs in January (see "Meetings/Events" article for the furlough schedule) Not the favorite story of the year, but one that bears mentioning here.
8...Teaching and Learning For Results: In the winter of '09, Northwest LSA premiered our online series using PLSA's "For Results" books. Solid evals, solid attendance, and the convenience of the online learning prompts this series to repeat in 2010...starting January 15!
7...Kansas & South Dakota: For personal and professional reasons, this makes my highlight reel. The State Library of Kansas contracted with me to conduct their board cerification classes, April and OCtober in Topeka. And this month, I presented a train-the-trainer prgram for the staff of South Dakota State Library as they begin more systematic board development across the state. Challending but fun experiences that I'm grateful for....
6....Have Grants, Will Conference: Thanks to NWILS Board, we awarded 5 travel stipends to the ILA Conference in October; the stipends went newly hired directors and first-time conference goers. This is a great way for Northwest LSA to support coninuing education and we hope we'll be financially able to do it again someday.
5...Wii Game, You Game: In the spring, before the budget ax fell, NWILS board readily agreed to allow Northwest LSA to purchase a Nintendo Wii game system to loan to member libraries. With 4 games to accompany the hardware, Northwest libraries can borrow the entire system from our office for a $10 rental fee. Read the full lending policy on our website - and get your game on!
4...The Cat Comes Back: A second book starring Spencer Library's famous cat came out in September. This time in a children's book called DEWEY: THERE'S A CAT IN THE LIBRARY! And get this: turns out the Oakridge Boys are Dewey fans. When they were performing a concert in Spencer a few weeks ago, they asked for a tour of the library - like Kay is going to say no to that? So Kay hosted the Oakridge Boys at the library, then they adjourned to Vicki's house for a meet-and-greet the author. Could be the next book...Dewey Goes Country?
3...Welcome New NW Directors: Not the banner year that was 2008 - thankfully - but 2009 welcomed 6 new library directors to Northwest Iowa at Rolfe, Newell, Sloan, Lake Park, Pomeroy, and Aurelian. We're pleased to meet you and looking forward to working with you in 2010.
2...So Long WIMBA, Hello ADOBE: On November 1st, the State Library changed virtual classroom vendors, moving from WINBA to Adobe Cnnect Pro. Our thanks to the State Library for extending room licenses to each LSA office. We're anxious for all of you to join us for online classes in 2010.
1...Trustee Troubles DVD: A fun project - and an important collaboration among the LSAs and ILTA - came together this year with the delivery of a DVD package to each library board in Iowa. The "Trustee Troubles" DVD includes 12 video clips, along with discussion questions, all intended to provide a context for discussing library board responsibilities. January 2010 seems a fine time to add watching "Trustee Troubles" to your library board's New Year's Resolutions!
Northwest LSA Office will be closed on NEW YEAR's DAY. And, because of state-imposed budget cuts, the office will also be CLOSED ON MONDAY JANUARY 4. The first Monday of every month January - June will be staff furlough days, with the office closed on those days. EYE-OPENER will be back on January 11. Wishing you and your libraries a successful and prosperous New Year!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Monday Morning Eye-Opener 12/21/09
1) Preview Continuing Education 2010
2) A Little Christmas Cheer
3) Meetings / Events This Week
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1) Preview Continuing Education 2010
There’s a new year looming and we feel like Santa’s elves planning continuing education classes for 2010. Somewhat surprisingly, people often ask if they can attend classes originating at other LSAs and the answer is—you bet! Continuing education is without borders, so by all means—browse the c.e. catalog and register for any classes that best meet your learning needs and interests.
Here’s a sneak peek at workshops from Northwest LSA coming in 2010:
The FOR RESULTS Series comes back = Online 9:30AM—11:30AM
Jan 15 = Planning For Results
Jan 29 = Policies For Results
Feb 12 = Facilities For Results
Board Development Series: The Board’s Role in HR = Online 6:00PM—7:30PM
Feb 2 = Recruitment & Retention
Feb 9 = Compensation & Benefits
Feb 16 = Staff Development
Mar 2 = Performance Evaluation
Mar 9 = Staff Relations
Jan 21 = 3rd Annual Iowa Small Libraries Online Conference
Feb 9 = Career Reading Roundtable discusses The Civility Solution
Feb 24 = New Children & YA Literature Booktalks over the ICN
April = Career Reading Roundtable discusses Presentation Zen
May 12-13 = C.E. Jamboree @ Storm Lake
June = Career Reading Roundtable discusses The Outliers
More detailed descriptions coming in next week’s EYE- OPENER. The Jan-Feb-Mar programs are in the c.e. catalog, so browse there for online registration. We’re loading up online training in the winter months because when the weather is at its coldest, online learning has lots of warm appeal!
2) A Little Christmas Cheer
Only 4 days left…if you feel the need to de-stress, then take a break with visits to these fun websites loaded with Christmas cheer!
Pandora www.pandora.com Jean shared this one with us. It’s Internet radio—and customizable. Type in the artist, song, or style of music that you like, and Pandora creates a radio station that plays only your favorites. Start with Christmas tunes to get in the spirit.
All Things Christmas www.allthingschristmas.com Brush up on the origins of Christmas traditions, find recipes, gift-party-decorating ideas. Click the audio playlist to play music in the background while browsing the site…easy to get lose track of time at this one.
Holidays at Kaboose http://holidays.kaboose.com Fun online Christmas games here, like Evil Elves, Snowball Toss, and Holiday Endurance…plus recipes, crafts, and party ideas.
The North Pole http://www.northpole.com/ this is an award-winning website and family-friendly. Kids can write letters or emails to Santa, find Christmas stories and coloring pages, play online games, and even start a “good deed” calendar to ensure they’ll end up on Santa’s nice list.
Popular Front http://www.popularfront.com/snowdays/ This one comes from Ann Schlapkohl at Manson Public Library; they’ve had big fun using this website with kids. Make your own snowflake online and email to a friend. To date, over 9 million snowflakes created—it’s cool fun!
Elf Yourself http://www.elfyourself.com/ My personal favorite—I learned about this one from my dopey nephew, who sent his Christmas cards this way last year. Load digital photos of yourself, kids, or pets, add same to dancing elf bodies and voila—you’ve just elfed yourself some funny season’s greetings. We used Elf Yourself last week—check out our 2009 Elf Dance. It awhile to load in, but it’s worth the wait. Be sure to turn up your speakers, because we’re in good voice!
3) Meetings / Events This Week
Christmas week finds Northwest LSA office closed on Thursday and Friday December 24 and 25. From Janie, Jean, and myself, wishing all of you a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year in 2010!