Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Wireless Connections & Laptop Computer Policies

One Northwest library recently asked our office for sample laptop policies, specifically for libraries with wireless Internet connections. Another good question, but a topic for which we have very few samples.

There's a good article on this topic at Web Junction Iowa: “Web Junction’s Focus on Wireless Internet Access in Public Libraries.” Here’s the link: http://ia.webjunction.org/do/DisplayContent?id=11027

Without sample policies on the topic to share just yet, this becomes another good question to pose to you practioners out there and see who can chime in. Just click on "comments" below to read answers from your colleagues in Northwest Iowa libraries.

1 comment:

tenah said...

As follows is our brand new policy for laptop use of our wireless network. Please note that it does refer to other documents, namely our main Computer and Internet Policy, the Quick Start Guide we've created for laptop users, and the Troubleshooting Guide that our technicians created for us. I can send you these documents if you're interested. The Quick Start Guide is printed in postcard format with bulleted instructions on how to log on. See below for our wireless policy:

Board Approved 8/3/05
Reviewed _____
Revised _____

Those who would like to access the Internet via our wireless network must have their own portable computer which is equipped with a wireless card and set to obtain an ip address automatically, with no proxy server settings. Library staff cannot guarantee that they will be able to troubleshoot this connection for you, provided you have trouble detecting our network.
If your equipment successfully detects our network, you will be directed to a login page upon opening your browser. Here you will enter the username and password provided to you by the library staff. Please note that this password changes daily. Upon entry of the correct password you will find yourself on the homepage of your choice and will have access to the Internet. The range of our wireless network covers the entire library. Patrons are not restricted as to where (within the library) they may choose to use a laptop computer, and will be asked to move only if they are causing a disturbance or are interfering with library programming.
Please note that although the portions of the library’s Computer and Internet Policy concerning library equipment do not apply to laptop users, all ethical considerations do apply. A copy of this policy is available for viewing at the Circulation Desk. If we find that an individual is using the wireless connection at the Milford Memorial Library in a manner which violates what the library board has deemed appropriate use, library staff will ask the individual to cease use of the Internet, leave the library and/or will reserve the right to refuse certain individuals a password in the future.
The library does not provide access to our network printer for those using a personal laptop computer, nor do we provide any physical connectivity other than an electrical outlet, when available. Patrons are not permitted to “unplug” any library equipment in order to “plug in” their personal equipment.
In an effort to provide efficient service, a quick-start guide will be provided to those wishing to access our wireless network. Copies of this policy, our Computer and Internet Policy, and a Milford Library Wireless HotSpot troubleshooting guide (provided by our computer technician) will be available at the Circulation Desk for those who wish to view our full policies and/or gain advice on troubleshooting.
The library will make no attempt to require signatures of those wishing to use our wireless Internet connection, nor will we differentiate between juvenile and adult users of this service as we do with library-owned computers. The library will assume that those under 18 years of age in possession of the necessary equipment will have attained this equipment with the knowledge and approval of their parents or guardians.

Tena Hanson
Milford Memorial Library