Thursday, September 07, 2006

Follett Automatin Buys Sagebrush

Here's some library automation news that bears repeating. Back on August 17th, I emailed Northwest libraries with this: Follett has acquired Sagebrush/Winnebago. This happened in late July. While I don’t have super current numbers, I believe the majority of automated libraries in Northwest have automated with Sagebrush/Winnebago. So now you’re really all Follett libraries!

If you’d like to read more about it, here’s a press release from Follett:

Don't forget to use this blog as a forum for any automation-related questions or comments! Bonnie McKewon

1 comment:

Ruthven Public Library said...

"Don't forget to use this blog as a forum for any automation-related questions or comments!"

Hi, this is Nathan from Ruthven PL, the ILA Annual Conference got me pumped to start a blog for Ruthven PL. It is specific to telling the story of our attempts to automate our library. Please feel free to visit, read, and comment on this blog! Thank you.