Judging by audience evaluations and comments, C.E. JAMBOREE was a bonafide hit! Two days of programming, and one evening session, piqued interest in all things social on the “social web.” From Flickr to Delicious, from blogs to wikis to podcasts and more, we learned from each other about Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 concepts. All of which led me to a new phrase: Learning 2.0!
Turns out I didn't coin the phrase, so says eagle-eye researcher Kay Larson. But I like it and I think it really fits what happened last week. Because what happened was collaborative learning: sharing our “discoveries” on the web, explaining how to blend traditional services with technologies, and going home to put learning into practice.
For instance, in the days following JAMBOREE, Valerie Haverhals from Hawarden PL started a book discussion blog: http://hawardenbookdiscussion.blogspot.com/ Val tells me she also started a personal blog for an upcoming family reunion—and already a brother is asking her to teach him all about blogging!
Turns out there’s a new article freshly posted on WebJunction about blogging, check that out here http://www.webjunction.org/
Nathan Clark from Ruthven/Emmetsburg PL has started a wiki for the 1-2 person libraries, using WetPaint for the wiki design:
http://1-2personlibrary.wetpaint.com/home His Jamboree handouts are there, too.
And you can check out lots of great “Learning 2.0” photos on our Flickr page. That's Janie being a good sport in a "mysterious skit." At www.flickr.com, search Flickr Groups for “NWILS Library Fun Fotos." You can also join the Flickr group for Northwest and include your own photos of events @ your library. If you were at Jamboree, you should be getting an invitation to join the group--give it a whirl :-)
Through discovery and conversation, people shared so many cool websites, far beyond what was pre-printed on the handouts. I'll include follow-ups in future issues of EYE-OPENER and here, too. Remember to blog what you're learning and putting into practice!
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