Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Special Project Consulting Service Update

NWILS Special Project Consulting continues going strong. It’s been no problem having projects to outsource to our group of consultants. (Imagine how busy they all would be if I REALLY advertised!) Most recently, Susan has been working with Auburn PL and Sandi with Dickens PL. In future weeks, Ann will be heading to Sanborn and Tena to Quimby.

Also: within the framework of this consulting service, Susan is doing a staff development day for Milford PL on customer service. That’s coming up in August. A nice spin-off here is that NWILS gains another workshop to use and replicate, so obviously another great aspect of this service.

Still ahead is a wiki for the consulting group. There would be some real benefit to that, especially in developing agendas and training materials.

And here’s some exciting news: I have an opportunity to tout this shiny new service at 2 conferences, at the Rural Libraries Conference in September (Ohio) and at PLA in March (Minneapolis) It’ll be done as poster sessions, but still, I’m excited about sharing this consulting approach. Because it’s a new model for regional systems to consider, it’s innovative, and I suspect it’s unique (although I don’t know that for sure) But I do know it’s working! For these poster sessions, Sue and I are working on a slideshow using PhotoStory.

Remember, you'll find a list of the Special Project Consultants on NWILS website, along with allowable projects: Let us know how we can help!

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