Monday, September 14, 2009

Monday Morning Eye Opener 9/14/09

Good Morning! NWILS office was incommunicado on Friday because of power outages in downtown Sioux City. City hall, the Terra Center, many downtown banks—and our office—lost power, phone, Internet. Apologies for any inconvenience—we’re back in business!

Today in EYE-OPENER…

1) Banned Books Week

2) The Power of Small Next Book Discussion

3) Last Call for Lakeside Learning

4) Meetings / Events This Week

1) Banned Books Week

ALA’s annual spotlight on a precious freedom is Banned Books Week. This year, Banned Books Week is September 26-October 3 and marks the 28th year that ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom celebrates the freedom to read.

Displays are a natural here; use display cases or tabletops to highlight books that have been challenged over the years. The link below takes you to some of the most frequently challenged books; the classic titles are always surprising like To Kill a Mockingbird, The Color Purple, Ulysses, Gone with the Wind, In Cold Blood, The Call of the Wild.

Think of newsletter / newspaper articles, public service announcements, citywide proclamations. Lots of online resources like posters, promo materials, display ideas, scripts, and activity ideas are available free for the taking at ALA’s website here

We invite you to blog about your plans to acknowledge Banned Books Week—great way to share your thoughts and ideas with others! Northwest LSA Bulletin Board Blog

2) The Power of Small Next CRR Book Discussion

If you’ve been part of Career Reading Roundtables, here’s the next title up for discussion: The Power of Small: Why Little Things Make All the Difference. Written by Linda Kaplan and Robin Koval, The Power of Small is a follow-up to their bestselling book The Power of Nice (a CRR selection in 2008) With this new book, the authors show how to harness the power of small to improve and transform our lives and navigate through uncertain times.

From their website “…In today’s world, we’re faced with overwhelming challenges—personally and professionally.

We often feel stuck and don’t know where to start. But we can all tap into the unbelievable power we have within us to ‘get going’ and make a huge difference in our lives and the lives of others. How? By starting small…

…From making a great impression at an interview to maximizing your budget, you can conquer today’s biggest challenges just by thinking small. All you need to do is refocus your attention on the little things and yes—learn to sweat the small stuff! The Power of Small shows you how…”

Career Reading Roundtable is co-presented 6 times a year by Central and Northwest LSA. It’s a book discussion group with a twist: we deliberately choose books outside the realm of library literature, discussing how customer service ideas, HR theories, and business practices of other occupations can apply to library management. We’re looking forward to another year of lively discussions. Join us for The Power of Small on October 14, 9:00—11:00AM in Northwest LSA’s Wimba Classroom—just register online in the c.e. catalog!

3) Last Call for Lakeside Learning

One more day to register for Northwest LSA’s Lakeside Learning, our 2-day fall education event. It’s next week, September 22-23 at BVU in Storm Lake. At this writing, 31 people are registered for Day 1, 58 registered for Day 2.

The workshop fee is $15.00 each day. We’ve learned the lunch price through the campus cafeteria is now $5.50; cashiers will appreciate exact change from everyone—thanks!

Day 1 of Lakeside Learning looks at a topic much in the news these days: how important libraries are in tough economic times. In virtually every economic downturn, statistics show that library use surges. There are a great many resources available to help libraries cope with increased use, advocate for better funding, and frame this important message - that libraries make a difference in people’s lives. Learn about those resources and hear from Louise Alcorn with West Des Moines Public Library. Louise will share stories of how libraries nationwide are responding to the recession with creative new services and programs.

After lunch, learn about a significant way for libraries to provide value-added service in tough times— by subscribing to EBSCO. Barb Shultz from North Central LSA in Mason City will lead a discussion about 6 additional ESBCO databases, any of which can be yours by joining a buying group. The 6 additional databases are Novelist Online, Novelist Plus, Auto Repair & Reference Center, Small Engine Repair Reference Center, Home Improvement Reference Center, and Hobbies & Crafts.

Barb winds up Day 1 with a discussion of Iowa’s open meetings laws…

Day 2 is the State Library’s Town Meeting. Registration is open through tomorrow—hurry to the c.e. catalog to get in on the action! See you there...

4) Meetings / Events This Week

Library101 moves online tomorrow September 15. Library101 is an orientation for new directors, staff, and trustees. It’s 9:00AM—12:00PM in Northwest LSA Wimba Classroom.

And there’s still time to catch one of many webinars from OverDrive throughout the month of September. Most are 60-minute webinars with open enrollment for individuals or groups. Some of the topics coming up include:

· Browse, Checkout, Download

· Patron Assistance

· Community Outreach

· Real-Time Reports

· Partner Update

Pre-registration is required; simply visit OverDrive’s website for more details about each webinar and for registration instructions.

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