Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Teen Tech Week Coming In March

         Time to starting planning how your library might become part of Teen Tech Week, March 6-12Teen Tech Week is a national initiative aimed at teenagers, librarians, educators, and parents highlighting electronic resources provided by libraries for those same audiences.

             This year’s theme is “Mix and Mash @ Your Library.”  The idea behind the theme is to encourage teens to express their creativity by combining music, movies, writing, and storytelling to create their own online content.  Then share what they create with others using collaborative web tools.

             Don’t be daunted by the theme: the smartest way to approach Teen Tech Week programming is to bring teens into the planning.  And planning is made easier by using the materials available at the YALSA website (Young Adult Library Services Association)  All sorts of graphics, programming ideas, and promo materials are waiting for you there to mix and mash!

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