Friday, August 15, 2008

Meet Kay, Spencer Public Library's new Director!

Here's a Gal who's been in libraries for awhile. Many of us know her from a variety of meetings over the years because she is active and very involved. But Kay Larson has just recently stepped up to become the director of the Spencer Public Library and we'd like to take this time not only to say "Welcome" but also to get to know her a bit better! She took time out of her busy schedule to answer a few questions for us:

Did you have any other libray experience before you came on board at your present library?
Way back in the dark ages(like 1973) I worked as a volunteer at the Cattermole libraryin Ft. Madison for Rose Reynolds. We were living on a farm while I worked for DuPont Paints. Years later, I applied for the director's job at the Peterson library because of "all" my previous experience. They must have believed me or been desperate because I got the job in 1987. From 1987-1994, I was director at Peterson, learning all about library work from my PLM courses and the continuing ed offered by the Regional and State libraries. in 1994 I started working at Spencer Public Library and moved from part time clerk to the director in March 2008.

Think back to your first day of work at the library, or your 2nd 3rd or more...what surprised you, or wasn't exactly what you expected?
When I started at Peterson's library I was aghast that there was not a card catalog and that the nonfiction books were not shelved in Dewey order. I quickly found out that people in a town this small just asked the librarian where a certain book was and she got it for them because she had been working there for 20 years. Of course, I had no clue where anything was in the library. I did a lot of looking for the first few months.

Share a funny, fun story with us about getting oriented as a library director.
Although I have been the director for about 4 months, the other day I introduced myself to someone as the Assistant Director. Old habits die hard, I guess.

What has been your biggest challenge so far? Do you have any thoughts about where you would like to see your library go in the future?
My biggest challenge here at Spencer Public Library has been to find the time to learn as I go and keep the work done at the same time. It is very easy to just keep doing my "old" job instead of training someone else to do it.

Tell us something about yourself, i.e. your hobbies, family, favorite books/authors..
My husband and I live on a farm about 25 miles from Spencer so the commute can be nasty in the winter. My husband has been on the NWLsa bord for 12 years and is back on again. I have lots of cats outdoors and a couple of spoiled ones indoors also. When I read for fun, I usually like mysteries althought I was surprised how much I enjoyed "water for Elephants" by Sara Gruen. I like to garden but hate kitchen work so my garden has been gradually taken over by perenial flowers. Last year I got my amateur radio license but I have't been on the air yet. This job keeps interfering with my hobbies!

What other Questions can we answer?
Sure, when is the quiet season in the libraraies? LOL!

Friday, August 01, 2008

New Director @ Albert City

You've heard that Thirteen new library directors have started their jobs in the NW Library Service Area. We wanted to take some time to introduce you to them right here at the NW BLOG! In the coming weeks tune in to meet these gals. Remember those days when you were new to the job? Well meet Albert City's new director, Mary Johnson who took over after Cathy Jensen retired in June.

Mary is married to husband Colin, and between them they have six grown children-all living in big cities. They have a doctor, a lawyer, an investments consultant, a gaming agent, a window company manager and a College student! She is involved in her church's music ministry. She loves ballroom dancing (think 'Big Band' and 'Swing') She loves to bake, owning and operating a coffee shop years ago. She is an interior decorator, a laboratory technician, and a limited radiographer. And of course, now a librarian. Wow! She is cultivating a new enjoyment of reading. As you can imagine, waiting for that box of ordered books to arrive is an exciting prospect. She says, "Opening book boxes is like Christmas!"

Mary, did you have any other library experience before you came on board at Albert City?


So, think back to your first day at work at the library...or your second day, or third day...What surprised you, or wasn't exactly what you expected?

There was so much to learn and packed into weeks....I think orientation should be a month. I just kept telling Cathy I would like to be her assistant, not replacing her!

How about any funny, fun stories about getting oriented as a library director?

I remember us always laughing at my "Deer in the headlights" eyes after several hours of intense learning. that's when we knew it was time for a break. i'd always go for a walk and everytime I'd leave they would wonder if I was coming back! I always said, "Poor Cathy, having to teach me all this" and they (Cathy and her assistant, Kathy) would say, "Poor Mary having to learn all this!"

What has been your biggest challenge so far?

My biggest challenge so far has been getting Grant applications filled out. I have 2 righ now that I am working on. Every day has its own variety of challenges, whether it be computer issues, remembering to check SILO, downloading MARC records for DVDs without complications, looking at the month end stats and hoping I'll be able to do everything just right, dealing with the city on purchases or pay, etc. etc..... My first board meeting was very stressful, lots to cover..lasted 2 Hours!

Do you have any thoughts about where you would like to see your library go in the future?

I have a wonderful board, so supportive, friendly and encouraging. They have made me feel so welcomed, and so has the community. I am excited about the direction of our library. i am in the process of making lots of improvements- from water cooler to new office computer, to adding flavored coffee for patrons and just improving the look and interest in the library. I want people tov iew the library as a social center as well as a learning center. I plan to integrate more artist receptions and demonstrations, performances by local talent, music will also be a part of that thought process. I plan to showcase children's art and expand our children's literature. Our story time program for little ones will see a new boost of excitement with 'Big Books'. I feel the more visual at that age the better.
So, Mary welcome to the library and the family of librarians that makes up NW Iowa Libraries. If you have questions you have only to send out an email, or pick up the phone. We're eager to get to know you and give you a hand if you need it!