Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Meet Abe Lincoln

At this week's Lakeside Learning in Storm Lake Bonnie was telling us about the variety of programs that were possible for adults. We heard about WILBOR, Current Event topics, Medline and the Lincoln Bicentennial. There is a great website, (http:// www. that provides lots of facts and information but of course nothing could possibly be better than actually meeting Abraham Lincoln and hearing about 1860's life. This Lincoln reenacter, Stan DeHaan , is from Orange City and does presentations all over the state. He gave about 40 minute presentation that included portions of 2 inaugural speeches and the Gettysburg Address. He talked about growing up, his family, his faith and his presidency. This was an amazing presentation and not only would adults enjoy a program like this, but so would young adults .

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Lakeside Learning:morning sessions

Beautiful Storm Lake, Iowa and the Siebens center here at BV University is the setting for the 2008 Lakeside Learning. Adult programming is today's topic. Timely. After all, adults use the library in huge numbers, so it's only logical that we start focusing on them, too. Our first presenter, Jon Wibbels of AEA 12 discussed the rationale for adult programming. Roy spent time showing us Medline. This data base is an important resource for adults, and a nearly ready made program adults at the library
. Another possibilityfor adult programming that we were presented with was in using WILBOR as a program for adults. An idea for promoting downloads, teaching adults about MP3 players and the variety of ways that audio books can be used. Libraries not currently signed up for WILBOR will be allowed to sign up in November
.This year is the Lincoln Bicentennial. Using a Lincoln reenacter is another possiblility for programming. Stan DeHaan of Orange City came and shared his program with the whole group. More powerful than a simple discussion of Abe Lincoln or even a book discussion on one of the many Lincoln books.
What other adult programming ideas do you have. Share some of your successes!

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Milford Public Library Staff Development Day

Here's an idea for County Library associations! Getting together to do staff development!