Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday Morning Eye-Opener 4/26/2010

Good Morning! In today’s EYE-OPENER …….

1) National Children’s Book Week
2) Scholastic Book Sale in Sioux City
3) Choose Privacy Week
4) Meetings and Announcements This Week


1) National Children’s Book Week

Is your library gearing up for National Children’s
Book Week? It’s May 10-16. Since 1919, Children’s Book
Week has been an annual celebration promoting the
importance of having quality children’s books prominent in
homes and schools. “…Educators, librarians, booksellers,
and families have celebrated children's books and the love
of reading with storytelling, parties, author and illustrator
appearances, and other book-related events.

It all began with the idea that children's books can change lives. In 1913, Franklin K. Matthews, the librarian of the Boy Scouts of America, began touring the country to promote higher standards in children's books. He proposed creating a Children's Book Week, which would be supported by all interested groups: publishers, booksellers, and librarians…”

For many years, Children’s Book Council and Every Child a Reader Foundation have been corporate sponsors. It’s a great time to partner with local schools and area bookstores for shared storytimes, author visits, booktalking, local celebrity read-alouds, and more. Visit National Children’s Book Week website for great programming ideas and promotional items. For more ideas:

Every Child a Reader Foundation
Children’s Book Council

2) Scholastic Book Sale in Sioux City
Here’s news of special interest to our friends in school libraries. By invitation, Scholastic is holding a warehouse sale with up to 80% off hundreds of children and adult books. It happens May 4-6 (11:00AM—7:00PM each day) at Sioux City’s Hilton Garden Inn (1132 Larsen Park Road) This sale is not open to the general public. Admission is reserved for school employees, school district personnel, homeschoolers, and book fair volunteers. Read more about it and sign up online here

3) Choose Privacy Week

Here’s a new idea and an intriguing programming option, too. With “Choose Privacy Week,” May 2-8, libraries across the country are encouraged to invite patrons into a national conversation about privacy rights in the digital age.
This marks a new national campaign from the American Library Association’s Office of Intellectual Freedom, with May 2010 being the first such promotion. The “Choose Privacy” campaign “…provides libraries with resources to educate and engage their communities, helping citizens make more informed decisions about privacy…”
Print and online tools, ready-to-go programming, outreach materials, posters and a guidebook are available for purchase at the ALA Online Store. Learn more about this first-time event and how to participate at the Choose Privacy website:

4) Meetings and Announcements This Week

Northwest Library Services Board meets tomorrow April 27 at Mapleton Public Library. The meeting starts at 1:00PM; any area libraries are welcome to attend. The agenda is posted on NWILS website.

Northwest LSA office will be closed next Monday May 3rd for a staff furlough day. Furloughs are the result of state budget cuts. Office hours resume on Tuesday May 4; Monday Morning Eye-Opener is back on May 10.
So with only one more Eye-Opener between now and C.E. JAMBOREE—there’s time for only one more commercial! 44 people are already registered for this year’s JAMBOREE, Northwest LSA’s popular spring education event, It’s one day only—May 13th—at Prairie Lakes AEA in Storm Lake. Lots of neat breakout sessions on tap, like:
What Smart Librarians Know About Teaching Adults
Hello EBSCO: What’s New in Add-On Databases
Going Green For Libraries
On the Big Screen—Flat Panel TVs for Library Promotion
Note: we’ve had to cancel the session on adult programs, so we’re working on bringing in another topic—will let you know. In the meantime, join the crowd and register for C.E. JAMBOREE on May 13 in Storm Lake. Registration in the
c.e. catalog.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday Morning Eye-Opener 4/19/2010

Good morning! In today's Eye-Opener....

1) It’s WILBOR Time
2) Iowa Small Library Association Spring Meeting
3) WWII Milestone Anniversary
4) Meetings / Events This Week


1) It's WILBOR Time

The WILBOR Team is happy to announce the spring
enrollment for new libraries wanting to join the WILBOR Consortium. WILBOR provides affordable access to downloadable audio books. OverDrive is the vendor; the project is a proud collaboration among Central, Northwest, Southwest, and Southeast LSA offices.

In the 2 years since WILBOR launched, the Consortium has grown to over 90 participating libraries and the collection has grown to over 3,000 audio book titles.

Service for new enrollees will start on July 1. Participating libraries are required to sign a letter of agreement and pledge to stay with the consortium for at least 18 months. The cost formula looks like this:

ANNUAL PRICE = $300.00 base price + .10cents X total audio book circulation in FY09


So after the first year, your library’s cost actually goes down. Training is readily available through webinars from OverDrive, plus LSA staff will always help with orientation and troubleshooting. Letters of agreement will be ready very soon; in the meantime, add WILBOR to your next board meeting agenda so your library can be ready to roll when service starts July 1. Call with questions!

2) Iowa Small Library Association Spring Meeting
Friday April 23 is the spring meeting of the Iowa Small Libraries Association. The meeting will be held in 7 locations around the state, all sites with ICN rooms. Northwest sites are Sac City and Hawarden Public Libraries; other sites are the public libraries in Eldora, Creston, Solon, Fayette, along with the State Library. The morning agenda (10:00AM-12:00PM) is the business meeting; the afternoon agenda (1:00—3:00PM) is a workshop on customer service presented by Kim Kietzman with Altoona Public Library. Lunch on your own.

The registration fee varies, depending on your membership status with ILA/ISLA—if you’re a member of both, it’s free! For fees, registration, and full details, refer to previous email announcements on IOWALIB.
Note: for this program, registration IS NOT done through the c.e. catalog but instead through the ISLA flyer. We have it here, so you’re welcome to call if questions.

3) WWII Milestone Anniversary
This spring marks the 65th anniversary of the end of WWII in Europe. Because Interest in all things surrounding WWII continues to fascinate, new library displays will be very timely. And library programming on the WWII theme is sure to be well-attended. This month is the 65th anniversary of FDR’s death—and Hitler’s suicide. Nazi death camps were liberated in the spring and May 9 marks the Allied declaration of Victory in Europe.

No doubt your collections are loaded with books, so displays will come easy. Search Amazon.Com to find new titles you may not have.
For programming ideas, there are countless websites; here are just a few:

4) Meetings / Events This Week
On Wednesday April 21, catch a repeat of Northwest LSA’s Virtual Roundtables. Three discussion groups take off simultaneously using the Adobe breakout room feature. Log into the main classroom and we’ll flip you into the breakout room of your choice: directors, children’s services, or automation software. Virtual Roundtables run from 9:30AM—11:30AM, with thanks to Nathan Clark, Becky Bilby, and Kelly Fischbach for leading the discussions.

Please note: Northwest uses multiple Adobe classrooms, each with a unique URL. Advance registration in the c.e. catalog provides you with the right link to the right room. So check the catalog or refer to follow-up email confirmations for the right link. Or call us—that works too!

And Friday April 23 is the spring meeting of the Iowa Small Library Association; details above and in the c.e. catalog

Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday Morning Eye-Opener 4/12/2010

Good Morning and Happy National Library Week!
Today in EYE-OPENER:

1) A Bold, Fresh JAMBOREE
2) Favorite Games @ Sioux Center PL
3) Everybody Counts @ Lake City PL
4) Meetings / Events This Week

1) A Bold, Fresh JAMBOREE
We’re switching things up this year for C.E. JAMBOREE, Northwest LSA’s popular spring workshop. Instead of a 2-day event, JAMBOREE will be one day only—one very fun-filled-action-packed day! It’s Thursday May 13, 9:00AM-4:00PM, at Prairie Lakes AEA in Storm Lake.

Taking a fresh angle, the day offers 4 breakout sessions instead of 6. Following the general session, there will be 2 breakouts in the morning, 2 more in the afternoon. This way, everyone in attendance can join all 4 breakout sessions.

And another nice change of pace: this year, rather than seeing everyone peel off after the last program, we’ll bring the entire group back together for a closing general session. The last hour promises to be pretty cool: Aimee and Nathan Clark will share how their libraries are using flat panel TVs for library promotion.

This year, C.E.JAMBOREE presents an opportunity to get your thoughts on the LSA reorganization project. That’s why we’ll begin the day with a discussion regarding our agency’s future—and yours! Here’s a look at the day’s topics:

Opening Session: Past-Present-Future
Morning Breakouts:
What Smart Librarians Know About Teaching Adults
Hello EBSCO: What’s New With Add-On Datebases

Afternoon Breakouts:
Beyond the Book Club—Popular Adult Programs
Libraries Going Green
Closing Session: On the Big Screen—Using Flat Panel TVs for Library Promotion

The fee is $15.00/person. Online registration is ready in the c.e. catalog. Make plans now to attend Northwest LSA’s C.E. JAMBOREE May 13 in Storm Lake!
2) Favorite Games @ Sioux Center PL
Kids and parents alike have favorite computer games at Sioux Center Public Library. Many of the library’s children’s games are free downloads; some are CD games that the library has purchased. Thanks to Staff at Sioux Center PL, here are some of their favorites:
Fruit Frolic: 10 amazing fruits that can talk, laugh, and cry. A fun game for preschoolers that stimulates imagination and develops eye-hand coordination
Sebran’s ABC is all about learning letters:
GCompris is an educational software suite of activities for children aged 2 to 10; learning games include reading, geography, science, algebra, and more
PapaJan has coloring pages galore—printable and online versions—plus holiday activities and reading games:

3) Everybody Counts @ Lake City P.L.
In keeping with the Census, Lake City Public Library is counting on lots of visitors this week—they’ve set a goal of welcoming 1,000 people this National Library Week (the library averages just over 400 visitors in normal weeks…) LCPL will be serving coffee and cookies to all comers and once they learn where people hale from, staff will use push pins in Iowa and U.S. maps to show where people are from. The library is also planning a Mystery Theme contest, a bean counting contest, and setting Friday as Friends Day.

Anyone bringing a friend into the library with them is eligible for a prize donated by Lake City PL Friends Group. Thanks to Kim Olson for sharing this story! Make the most of National Library Week.

4) Meetings / Events This Week
It’s Library101 tomorrow, Tuesday April 13. Library101 is an orientation for newly hired staff, but a nice refresher too. Another appeal—it’s done online in Northwest LSA’s Adobe Classroom. The time is 9:00AM—12:00PM; registration is still open in the c.e. catalog.

And yes, this is National Library Week. Among all the festivities, be sure to thank your great staff tomorrow on National Library Workers Day!