Friday, September 28, 2007

Banned Books Week

September 29-Octotber 6 Banned Book Week. What issues are NW libraries facing with "questionable" materials. Have any NW libraries experienced challenges to materials in recent years? How have you handled these challenges? Does your library have policies in place so you know what to do if someone should come in and complain about a particular item.

There is the issue of book selection as well. Since budgets seldom allow libraries to purchase as much material as you'd like, how do you decide what will be included in your collections? Ray Bradbury said in Farenheit 451: "You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them." How many NW libraries own any of the top 10 most banned books?

Visit ALA's website for more on Nanned Books Week and discuss your promotional plans here.

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