Thursday, July 24, 2008

Reading Roundtable

Directors and staff will be participating in a Reading Roundtable on July 30 from 10-noon in a WIMBA classroom. This is hosted by Roy Kenagy. The first book is "Made to Stick" by Chip and Dan Heath. If you're interested in rethinking how you market and promote the library this is a great book to read! I'm excited to hear how others will apply what they learn in this book to real life in the library! There will be lots to talk about. One of the things that I think is especially applicable to the library is what the Heath's call 'The Curse of Knowledge'. That is, we are often so close to a subject (i.e. the library and it's jargon) that we forget that others don't have the same knowledge that we do. We assume people understand everything that we do, so we leave out information that would be critical to understanding our mission, our programs, or even our very reason for exsisting. Lots to think about. Even if you aren't participating in this roundtable, I would encourage you to take the time to read this book!

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