Monday, April 27, 2009

C.E. Jamboree May 5 - 6

Good Morning! Last call for C.E. Jamboree next week.

1) Last Call For C.E. Jamboree: We’re one week away from C. E. Jamboree next Tues—Wed May 5-6 at Prairie Lakes AEA in Storm Lake. “Get Your Game On” on Tuesday May 5th in a fun-filled workshop about gaming programs @ your library. Kim Kietzman from Southeastern Library Services will lead off the day with a focus on using the Wii device. Dave Netz will lead a discussion to learn about what kinds of gaming programs are happening in your libraries. There’ll be studious time, too, for participants to draft a gaming policy. But not to worry—we’re building in time for a little bowling and golf, too—we’re even planning a tournament. And that’s just Day 1!

Day 2 May 6th brings back the multiple breakout sessions. Amanda Winseck, Iowa’s EBSCO representative, presents the general session to explain EBSCO’s new features. Breakout sessions follow with these topics:
• The Buddy System: Collaborating on the Web (Tena Hanson & Sarah Willeford)
• Merchandising Your Collection (Kim Kietzman)
• EBSCO Continued (Amanda Winseck)
• NWILS Website—New & Improved (Janie Beaulieu & Jean Chesterman)
• A Few Dollars More—Grant Writing Success (Nathan Clark)
• Director Roundtable Discussion (Valerie Haverhals)
Each day runs from 9:30AM—3:30PM for 5 c.e. credits each day, with breakfast and lunch catered ($15.00 fee each day) Registration required through the c.e. catalog—but hurry because registration closes Wednesday this week.

2) Meetings / Events This Week: For libraries joining the WILBOR Consortium this spring, NWILS is offering orientation sessions this week as an overview of what WILBOR is all about. This happens online in Northwest’s Wimba classroom

Four scheduled sessions; they all repeat, so choose the one most convenient.
• Wednesday April 29—9:30AM OR 1:30PM
• Friday May 1—9:30AM OR 1:30PM

Certainly, any WILBOR library past-present-future is welcome to attend. Hear background and highlights, along with reminders of the various resources available to help with support, promotions, and troubleshooting. It’s not considered training or “c.e. worthy,” just an informal discussion, a chance to chat and answer questions. No advance registration required.

WILBOR is a consortium providing affordable access to downloadable audio books. This brand new service launched in June of 2008 and now boasts a collection of over 1,800 digital audio books. Approximately 65 titles are added each month. The average cost per title (based on opening day collection) is $51.00. That’s what’s meant by “affordable access”—few small libraries could provide a collection of over 1,800 audio books in any format. That’s what makes WILBOR such a great deal—and the fact that you’re introducing current technology in an entirely new format.

How much? The cost to join is $300.00 plus .10cents per audiobook circulation in FY07-08. This is an annual fee assessed by the Consortium. To that number, add a one-time $500.00 setup fee. The initial setup fee is assessed by OverDrive, the vendor behind the content. But again, that’s a one-time-only charge; in subsequent years, the cost goes down to the annual $300+ Consortium fee.

For newcomers, the service will begin on or about July 1. To meet this spring enrollment, new participants are required to complete 2 Letters of Agreement; copies are available at Northwest LSA office. Signed Letters of Agreement must be returned to Central LSA office by May 30. Your first payment will be due in mid-July. Central LSA office invoices all participants; checks are made payable and sent back to Central LSA. Call NWILS office with questions and to request copies of the Letters of Agreement (again, due by May 30…)

The spring enrollment has been extended to May 30, so there’s plenty of time to put WILBOR on your May board agendas. 96 libraries across four LSAs are participating; 31 of those are Northwest libraries—so why not yours? The spring enrollment means there’s room for more! Directors, staff, and trustees are encouraged to attend this week’s orientation sessions to learn more!

For more information on this newsletter check out

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