Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Northwest LSA Offers Virtual Roundtables

Northwest LSA is sponsoring online roundtables this month and next. 3 interest groups can gather same day, same time, same place in Northwest’s Adobe Pro Classroom: directors, children’s librarians, and automation users. Depending on your interest, we’ll flip you into various breakout rooms.

Northwest Special Teams members will facilitate the discussions. Nathan Clark will lead the director’s roundtable with news from the Iowa Small Library Association and solicit PR ideas for National Library Week. Becky Bilby will lead the children’s services roundtable, sharing plans for Summer Reading Programs. And Kelly Fischbach will lead the automation roundtable with a Q&A about automation products and software features.

Registration is open in the c.e. catalog. Please register in advance so we’ll know how many to plan for. Catch the roundtables on March 24, with a repeat session on April 21: 9:30—11:30AM each time. Join us for virtual roundtables—another new adventure from Northwest LSA!

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