Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday Morning Eye-Opener 4/26/2010

Good Morning! In today’s EYE-OPENER …….

1) National Children’s Book Week
2) Scholastic Book Sale in Sioux City
3) Choose Privacy Week
4) Meetings and Announcements This Week


1) National Children’s Book Week

Is your library gearing up for National Children’s
Book Week? It’s May 10-16. Since 1919, Children’s Book
Week has been an annual celebration promoting the
importance of having quality children’s books prominent in
homes and schools. “…Educators, librarians, booksellers,
and families have celebrated children's books and the love
of reading with storytelling, parties, author and illustrator
appearances, and other book-related events.

It all began with the idea that children's books can change lives. In 1913, Franklin K. Matthews, the librarian of the Boy Scouts of America, began touring the country to promote higher standards in children's books. He proposed creating a Children's Book Week, which would be supported by all interested groups: publishers, booksellers, and librarians…”

For many years, Children’s Book Council and Every Child a Reader Foundation have been corporate sponsors. It’s a great time to partner with local schools and area bookstores for shared storytimes, author visits, booktalking, local celebrity read-alouds, and more. Visit National Children’s Book Week website for great programming ideas and promotional items. For more ideas:

Every Child a Reader Foundation
Children’s Book Council

2) Scholastic Book Sale in Sioux City
Here’s news of special interest to our friends in school libraries. By invitation, Scholastic is holding a warehouse sale with up to 80% off hundreds of children and adult books. It happens May 4-6 (11:00AM—7:00PM each day) at Sioux City’s Hilton Garden Inn (1132 Larsen Park Road) This sale is not open to the general public. Admission is reserved for school employees, school district personnel, homeschoolers, and book fair volunteers. Read more about it and sign up online here

3) Choose Privacy Week

Here’s a new idea and an intriguing programming option, too. With “Choose Privacy Week,” May 2-8, libraries across the country are encouraged to invite patrons into a national conversation about privacy rights in the digital age.
This marks a new national campaign from the American Library Association’s Office of Intellectual Freedom, with May 2010 being the first such promotion. The “Choose Privacy” campaign “…provides libraries with resources to educate and engage their communities, helping citizens make more informed decisions about privacy…”
Print and online tools, ready-to-go programming, outreach materials, posters and a guidebook are available for purchase at the ALA Online Store. Learn more about this first-time event and how to participate at the Choose Privacy website:

4) Meetings and Announcements This Week

Northwest Library Services Board meets tomorrow April 27 at Mapleton Public Library. The meeting starts at 1:00PM; any area libraries are welcome to attend. The agenda is posted on NWILS website.

Northwest LSA office will be closed next Monday May 3rd for a staff furlough day. Furloughs are the result of state budget cuts. Office hours resume on Tuesday May 4; Monday Morning Eye-Opener is back on May 10.
So with only one more Eye-Opener between now and C.E. JAMBOREE—there’s time for only one more commercial! 44 people are already registered for this year’s JAMBOREE, Northwest LSA’s popular spring education event, It’s one day only—May 13th—at Prairie Lakes AEA in Storm Lake. Lots of neat breakout sessions on tap, like:
What Smart Librarians Know About Teaching Adults
Hello EBSCO: What’s New in Add-On Databases
Going Green For Libraries
On the Big Screen—Flat Panel TVs for Library Promotion
Note: we’ve had to cancel the session on adult programs, so we’re working on bringing in another topic—will let you know. In the meantime, join the crowd and register for C.E. JAMBOREE on May 13 in Storm Lake. Registration in the
c.e. catalog.

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