Monday, January 31, 2011

Tena Hanson Appointed to ARSL Board

         Milford Public Library Director Tena Hanson has been appointed to fill a 1-year term on the ARSL board.  The acronym ARSL stands for the Association for Rural and Small Libraries, a national organization with the interests of small libraries at heart.  The association’s mission is to “…provide a network of people and materials to support rural and small library staff, volunteers, and trustees, and to integrate the library thoroughly with the life and work of the community it serves…”

             From the website:
“…the Association for Rural & Small Libraries is a network of persons throughout the country dedicated to the positive growth and development of libraries. ARSL believes in the value of rural and small libraries and strives to create resources and services that address national, state, and local priorities for libraries situated in rural communities…”  
ARSL holds an annual conference each fall in some pretty great locations like Sacramento, Gatlinburg, and Denver; this year, the conference heads to Texas.  One perk of association membership is a discount off conference registration fees.  Membership levels vary based on library staff salary ranges. Find all the scoop about membership on the ARSL website here:

             One more note: check out the photo gallery on the website. ARSL always welcomes photos of small libraries from around the country, so why not contribute some pictures of Iowa libraries?!  Again, congratulations to Tena for being appointed to the ARSL Board—thanks for agreeing to represent small libraries in a big way!

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