Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Every Child Ready to Read

It's an awesome responsibility for the libraries: working with educators, community leaders, and parents to get pre schoolers ready for the incredible task of learning to read! If you had a chance to hear Saroj Ghoting this past month, you will already be inspired to do more with your preschool or outreach programs. NWILS provided free materials for those who attended: Brochures "Every Child Ready to Read @ Your Library" for parents of preschoolers from two and three year olds to pre readers aged 4-5, along with the book by Ms. Ghoting.

Programs programs programs. Summer Reading, Pre-School Story Hours: They have always been something the library has provided within our communities. But within recent years there has been brand new emphasis on the incredible importance that preschoolers have early literacy experiences. What a great opportunity for libraries to step up and fill a void. What are the libraries offering out there? Who is doing outreach and how does that look? Have you developed policies that address these issues? Have you added programs that seek to work with the immigrant population and their children, or extra toddler programs? How about online programs for pre schoolers? Anyone doing something like that? Do you use volunteers or guest readers? Here's some links to ideas: Preschool Storytime Volunteer Handbook

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