Tuesday, October 19, 2010

E-Books Coming to WILBOR

In late September, WILBOR libraries received a survey asking about your interest in adding e-books—and more importantly—asking about your library’s ability to contribute additional money to make it happen.

The votes are in. With over 100 libraries in the WILBOR Consortium, 85 answered yes to e-books. Now it’s a matter of securing additional money.

This is taking time because it’s complicated: we don’t want to jeopardize the strength of the audio book collection to bring in a new format. Plus, this move to e-books will cost participants more money. So...our next steps...

We’re writing an addendum to the current contracts for WILBOR libraries. Essentially, the contract addendum will outline an e-book pricing model for those libraries that can pay extra. All other libraries not contributing extra money via the formula should still expect to pay a very modest $1.00-per-circ fee for each e-book downloaded by their patrons. The coming contractual addendum will explain; look for that in late October.

Once WILBOR participants sign and return the contracts, e-books will magically begin to appear in the collection by December. Just in time for Christmas! Are e-book readers on anyone’s shopping list this holiday season? Look for more after ILA…call with questions.

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